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Premier Health & Holistic Medicine Blog 

Dive Deep Into Holistic Medicine and Wellness Tips

How a Holistic Doctor Helps Treat and Prevent Candida

Women and men alike commonly experience yeast infections. And while a conventional doctor may prescribe medicine to clear up the infection, a holistic doctor will go deeper and identify the root cause of that infection. Then, they help their patients clear the current infection while preventing repeat occurrences. Here’s how it works. Are you tired of …

What Is an ILADS Doctor? An Evidence-Based Approach to Lyme Disease Treatment

Lyme disease is an extremely complex condition, so it may not be surprising that there are different perspectives on diagnosis and treatment. An ILADS doctor belongs to an organization called the International Lyme and Associated Diseases Society. This nonprofit medical society’s aim is to provide evidence-based care for people with tick-borne illnesses. In …

How Gut Health Impacts Your Overall Wellness

Have you ever heard of your “second brain?” If you haven’t, you’re not alone. But believe it or not, your second brain contains more nerves than the spinal cord. Containing more than 100 million neurons, the network of nerve cells lining the digestive tract – your gut – is so extensive that many medical professionals have nicknamed it the body’s second …

Ticked Off and Depressed: Lyme Disease’s Effects on Mental Health

As summer fades and temperatures begin to cool down, you may be looking forward to enjoying the fall foliage and spending time in the great outdoors. This could mean more opportunity to brush with black-legged ticks, the irksome creatures known for the spread of Lyme disease. If you live in a highly endemic area such as Virginia, or elsewhere along the …

An Integrated Approach to Lyme Disease: Blending Western and Eastern Treatments

The human body is a complex organization of systems that work together in a beautiful harmony that is nothing short of miraculous. In the symphony of life, every individual is its own unique instrument with its own vibration, story and song. Western medicine tends to focus on a pragmatic, one-size-fits all approach to healing. This isn’t necessarily wrong …

Lyme Wars: Why an Integrative Medical Doctor is Your Best Bet for Battling Lyme Disease

Lyme disease is a complex illness with many variables, which makes it a highly controversial topic in the medical world.  On the most basic level, Lyme disease is a bacterial infection that is usually transmitted by blacklegged ticks and affects an estimated 300,000 patients a year in North America. While most cases tend to be clustered in certain …

Lyme Disease: When Should I Go to the Doctor for a Tick Bite?

Spring has sprung and the glorious sunshine seems to beckon us all to spend more time outdoors. Whether you enjoy hiking, spending a sunny day at the park or conquering spring cleanup chores in your own backyard, it’s important to be mindful of those tiny pests: ticks.  While not all ticks carry Lyme disease, if you’ve been bitten by a tick or are …

How Should I Treat a Tick Bite? Steps to Avoiding Lyme Disease

Many people worry about their beloved dogs and cats getting tick bites. However, it’s not as commonly talked about for humans. We know that our dogs should have tick prevention measures and understand how to treat them, but people should take similar precautions when visiting areas ticks are common.  As the warmer seasons come around, you are also at …

Fever And Chills May Indicate Lyme Disease: Common FAQs

Detecting Lyme disease can sometimes be challenging. Many of the symptoms share commonalities with flu-like symptoms. However, as time progresses, it can turn into prolonged or severe conditions.  Many people may use the common red bullseye rash that they get from ticks to indicate possible Lyme disease transmission. But some people don’t have the typical …

Preparing for Tick Season: How Lyme Disease Is Actually Spread

As the warmer season approaches, you may be getting ready for your favorite outdoor activities like hiking. However, this is the time when you’re most at risk for tick bites.  The spring and summer are the most prevalent times to get Lyme disease. Most ticks hang out in wooded or grassy areas, so when you go out for outdoor activities, this is when …