Premier Health & Holistic Medicine Blog 

Dive Deep Into Holistic Medicine and Wellness Tips

Flu, Fevers, Fatigue, and Brain Fog: Lyme Disease Explained

Lyme disease is a multi-faceted infection that can be difficult to diagnose, even with laboratory testing. It’s a tick-borne infection that usually starts with a characteristic red rash in the shape of a bullseye, but it can cause a range of chronic conditions that can severely compromise your health. This includes flu-like symptoms, unexplained fevers, …

What is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?

Feeling tired is one of the most common symptoms people experience when they’re feeling ill. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) is more than feeling worn-down or dealing with normal bouts of exhaustion. It’s a debilitating illness, characterized by extreme fatigue that doesn’t improve with proper rest and cannot be explained by another medical condition. Have …

What is Lyme disease? A doctor Explains

Lyme disease is a microbial bacterial infection most commonly acquired from the bite of an infected black-legged tick. Symptoms typically begin between three and thirty days after the bite and include rash, headaches, joint pain, swollen lymph nodes, fatigue and other flu-like symptoms. It’s common for people to be completely unaware they have been …

Are Holistic Doctors Real Doctors?

When you hear the word “holistic,” you may think of practices like yoga, meditation, acupuncture, and nutritional counseling. At its core, however, the word holistic simply means “whole.” When it’s used in conjunction with medicine, is refers to a medical approach that takes into account the entire person and the circumstances surrounding them. …

What are the Most Common Lyme Disease Symptoms?

Lyme disease is a tick-borne infection, that is caused by bacteria. Left untreated, it can cause a range of chronic symptoms, and have a very detrimental effect on your feeling of health and wellbeing. If you have any of the symptoms we’re about to discuss, you’ve had a tick bite, and you live in an area where Lyme disease occurs (you can learn more on …

Are You Eating Healthy?

I’d like to talk to you about healthy eating.  It’s best if you eat foods that most closely resemble the form that you find in nature. These whole foods are not going to come in a package, can, box, or fast food restaurants.  Ideally your plate should be very colorful, preferably having very equal groups of vegetables, fruits, proteins, fats, …

Different Symptoms Can Be Related

Have you ever wondered about two very different symptoms that you’re having and if they could be related? Take for example itching and brain fog. Those both can happen from toxin overload in your body. Toxins can come from many things: Foods we eat, household products, what we breathe, and much more.  We do functional testing here at Premier …

Don’t Let Lyme Disease Control Your Life!

Have you ever been bit by a tick? Have you been diagnosed with fibromyalgia? Have you been diagnosed with chronic fatigue? If you’ve answered “Yes” to any of these questions, then there’s a high risk that you might have lyme disease.  If you have low energy, sore muscles, difficulty with memory or attention, or doctor’s haven’t been able to find …

Have You Been Told You Don’t Have Lyme Disease?

You think you have it but all of the tests have come back negative. Well, it’s only about 50% accurate. In Virginia, physicians are supposed to explain this to you in case it comes back negative. And the same goes for when it comes back positive.  There are many tests out there and they all have their limitations and can be expensive.  We …

Cell Defense and Healing

I’m always humbled by the amount of information out there. Functional medicine is the leader in taking this knowledge and transforming people’s lives with it.  I wanted to talk to you about why healing gets stuck.  In chronic disease, cell to cell communication is blocked. Mitochondria was once thought to only produce energy, but research has …